Selma Police Team wins tournament
Published 12:00 am Monday, May 17, 2004
In the Police Athletic League Southeast Regional, the Selma Police Athletic League Team, with several local high school basketball players, won the championship Sunday, beating out Dunn, N.C. and Dunbar, N.C.
The tournament, held in Lexington, Ky., was a who’s who of local high school talent.
In the first game against Dunn, Selma won 83-33, with Herbert Allen Jr. leading the team with 14 points. Raphael Miller and Dallas County’s Michael Johnson both scored 12. Malcolm Crittendon and Deonte Williams scored nine each in the effort and Quinn Pernell picked up seven. Trey Brown and Cajun Pritchett scored six each. Jimmy Smith and Denzel Reese both contributed with four and two, respectively.
The followed the semi-final game with a championship win against Dunbar, 81-68.
Trey Brown led the team with 17 points. Pernell picked up 15. Johnson and Williams both scored 12. Miller scored seven. Crittendon scored six. Tee Woods and Allen both scored four, while Smith picked up two.