PAL grant to aid Selma police
Published 12:00 am Sunday, March 21, 2004
With the help of a grant from the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Deliquency Prevention, the Selma Police Department will be able to enusre young children and teens have a safe and secure place to play this summer.
The local chapter of the Police Athletic/Activities League (PAL) was recently awarded $14,000 from the OJJDP to suport its basketball and academic enrichment programs throughout the summer.
“Some of our youth have a lot of free time this summer,” said Selma Police Chief Robert Green. “This grant will enable us to contine the programs already in existance and give these youth somewhere to go.”
Headed by Det. Shayne Perry, PAL activies are designed to address the problems of juvenile violence in the community. Along with sport activities, Green says, teens participate in tutorial programs and take field trips.
“Det. Perry has been trying to get funds from this grant for quite some time,” Green said. “As I understand, it is a very competitive grant.”
Along with goverment grants, PAL is also supported through fundraisers and donations from area organizations, as well as funds from city council members.
The PAL of Selma was founded in 1999 and is a member of the National Association of Police Athletic/Activities Leagues, Inc. The nonprofit organization has more than 350 community-based chapters across the nation.
PAL is headquarted in the gymasium of Wilkinson Apartments and open youth between the ages of 6 to 18 who qualify for the program.
Contact Det. Shayne Perry at 874-2419 for more information about PAL and volunteer opportunities. Perry can also be reached through e-mail at