Task force prepares to keep Selma safe
Published 12:00 am Thursday, February 19, 2004
Selma’s crime issue has not become stagnant.
And the work of the crime task force member Tina Price proves that the communities, especially those in Ward 6, are not going to become stagnant and let the crime continue.
On Tuesday night Price, Ward 6 representative, held a meeting at Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Some of the suggestions from the meeting included improving safety, clean streets and the restoration of dilapidated houses.
Price said that the purpose of the meeting was to gather community input and get 10 residents to volunteer for the ward’s sub-crime task force.
Several residents voiced their concerns as well as what they believed were the ward’s strengths and weaknesses. There were stories told about the fear of calling the police because of the repercussions that existed from the criminals.
The suggestion of a youth curfew came to the table again.
The curfew is something that many people in the community support and now it is up to the Selma City Council to put in place.
The council has been working on the details for this and hopefully will provide Selma an answer at Monday’s council meeting.
Other suggestions were to create constructive activities for youth, transportation for the elderly and a job training site.
These are all good suggestions and can have a big impact on curbing crime.
Ward 6 is the first of the wards to meet.
The STJ commends Price on moving forward and setting an example.
The STJ also encourages the other members of the task force to act promptly in organizing meetings for their respective wards.
Price has taken the bull by its horns and now is working on a plan to rid her ward of crime.
Not only should the other members of the task force see this as an example, but the community of Selma needs to take that enthusiasm and drive and work together to help keep Selma’s streets safe.