Selma’s Sassy Red Hat Ladies
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 1, 2003
The Sassy Red Hatters of Selma have a name that fits them like satin glove. Whenever this group of lively ladies meets, talk ranges from fashion to football games &045; all with a touch of class.
This club, composed of 10 women all over the age of 50, is part of the international Red Hat Society. The Sassy Red Hatters are one of three Red Hat Society chapters in Selma, each of which is devoted to handling middle-age with humor and friendship.
Sassy’s Queen Mother Pat Phillips said the group usually gets together once a month.
These gatherings usually consist of &uot;fine dining&uot; and tea parties. The only real requirement, Phillips says, is that the women dress in full regalia.
Red Hat Society members wear purple clothing, red gloves and of course the unmistakable red hats. To add their own extra touch of sass, these local women like to add red feather boas to their outfits.
These particular colors have a special meaning for the women of the Red Hat Society. Danielson said red represents attitude and purple signifies eccentricity.
When the women of Sassy Red Hatters are not dishing about life in Selma, they are taking trips and enjoying the high life of being at the top of the hill.
Next month the group plans to participate in the city’s Christmas parade and wave to the crowd from the top of a bright red convertible.
Women who are not quite 50-years-old can create their own chapter in the Red Hat Society, but they are strongly encouraged to wear pink hats with lavender attire.
The organization was founded several years ago when Sue Ellen of Fullerton, Calif., became inspired by the Jenny Joseph poem &uot;Warning.&uot; The poem is about an old woman who likes to dress in purple, wear a red hat and cause mischief wherever she goes.