Market Day sets Selma’s future path
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 7, 2003
History is what sets the pace for the future.
If you look at any significant moment in time you are sure to find that the history of said moment made that possible. An example is the revolutionary war.
Had it not been for the Boston Tea Party and other significant happenings the war would have never been fought.
The same is true but on a much smaller scale with the 31st Riverfront Market Day which will be held this weekend on Water Avenue in downtown Selma.
The history of Market Day began with a small group of dreamers.
The Day was first intended to serve as a trade day to stimulate interest in the downtown area for the preservation and restoration of the old buildings.
The names of the individuals who shared the vision are Mona Dikson, Tommy Wilson, Patsy Sommerville, Lewis Singley, George Swift, Rowena Cleveland, Ann Faulk, Betty Callaway, Evelyn Wallace, Dr. F.D., Reese, Chrissie Taccone, Elizabeth Harrington and Stuart Nichol.
Also, the City of Selma and Dallas County Commission gave matching funds to promote Market Day and every local area organization participated.
An estimated 25,000 people lined the streets on that first day with over 200 vendors to select items from.
Because of the dreams these individuals put to reality and the support from the community and business owners from the very start you now have the 31st Riverfront Market Day.
The Market Day has a history yes, but what about the future?
Over the past few years there has been somewhat of a decline.
The reason could be the economy and the facts that tourism as a whole has slowed down.
Or it may be just that the people of Selma and Dallas County have made other priorities than to take advantage of one of the best weekends of the year.
Where else could one go to enjoy the beauty of a historic downtown like Selma, walk by the river, enjoy the music of the south and spend as much money as one desires.
With that kind of venue year after year it can only succeed.
The opinion is that the Riverfront Market Day has seen its last decline.
The future looks bright and will continue to benefit the downtown of Selma.
However, just in case you may want to make sure that the biggest priority this weekend is attending Market Day.