Latest test shows that Selma’s drinking water is safe
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, July 9, 2003
The chairman of the Selma Water Works and Sewer Board said the latest test of the city’s drinking water should stop any questions about the water’s safety.
According to a report from Tuscaloosa Testing Laboratories (TTL), no traces of coliform or E. coli were detected in samples taken July 3 by Robert Bridges, water treatment plant supervisor with the water board.
Both Bridges and Kirit Chapatwala, owner of Chapatwala Consultancy &045;&045; a microbial analysis laboratory, &045;&045; collected samples July 3 after Hicks extended an invitation to all interested parties to join Bridges during his testing.
That invitation was requested in a letter from Selma Mayor James Perkins Jr. after Chapatwala presented information to the Selma City Council at its June 9 meeting. At the meeting Chapatwala said he found coliform in May during a test of the water board’s sites.
Hicks said the water board usually didn’t get a letter stating the presence or absence of coliform and E. coli. Instead, if the elements were found, Bridges would receive a call alerting him to the problem. If Bridges doesn’t get a call, nothing was found.
The letter of clean health from TTL is documentation Selma’s water is safe, Hicks said. Instead of the board claiming one thing and another party something different, the letter can be used to put the issue to rest.
Hicks said the board had won the state award for the best operated plant in Alabama nine times. &uot;And that’s good news to put out,&uot; Hicks added.
Water testing is done by ADEM certified operators. Bridges said he underwent 90 hours of testing to receive his certification and takes 24 hours of continuing education every three years.