Spring is in the air again
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, February 19, 2003
You can almost hear the crack of the bat, and the laughter of children in the background. If you strain you might even be able to hear the umpire yell PLAY BALL. You guessed it, it’s that time of year again time to get ready for little league baseball and softball. And everyone knows that no town in central Alabama loves little league ball more than Selma.
Selma is one of the few towns left in Alabama that still doesn’t charge for their little league and softball programs, and that probably plays a role in how many kids come out to participate. Each year hundreds of kids come out for summer sports with the recreation department, and it doesn’t matter how good your child is he or she will get to play no matter what.
The recreation department for the city of Selma has been turning out good programs for the children of the area for sometime, and this season should be no different. They will offer softball for the girls, baseball for the boys, and even have t-ball for the youngsters. There should be something for every child in your house to do this summer.
Let’s face it getting out and playing ball is good or your kids. It’s great exercise, and it keeps little Johnny from sitting on th couch all day and watching cartoons. It teaches them discipline, and how to behave around other adults besides their parents. So not only is your child getting exercise, fresh air, and having fun they are also learning a skill.
So get out there and take your kid to try outs, sign them up, and get ready to start enjoying some of the things that the recreation department has to offer.
Monday March 3,
Try-Outs at the Sportsplex
Field #2
5/6 year olds 5:30 p.m.
Field #2
11/12 year olds 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday March 4,
Try-Outs at the Sportsplex
Field #2
7/8 year olds5:30 p.m.
Field #2
9/10 year olds 6:30 p.m.
Thursday March 6,
Try-Outs at the Sportsplex
Field #2
13/14 year olds (slow pitch) 5:30 p.m.