Study: ‘White names’ draw more response with employers
Published 12:00 am Thursday, January 16, 2003
A study released this week claims resumes with white-sounding
first names received more responses than ones with black-sounding names.
According to the study by professors at the University of Chicago and the Massachusetts
Technology, professors sent about 5,000 fake resumes in response to various employment ads. Results showed the &uot;white&uot; applicants got one response for every 10 that were mailed, while &uot;black&uot; applicants with equal credentials received one response for every 15 resumes.
Some Selma residents say the results are not surprising.
Shonda Meeks, another resident searching the job market, said she has not had many responses from her resumes but blames &uot;this bad economy of ours, not just because of my name.&uot;
The study also found that companies claiming to be equal opportunity employers acted no different than other businesses when responding to black resumes.
However, there are other people who think they have found a way around the problem.
The &uot;white&uot; names used in the study included Neil, Brett, Greg, Emily, Anne and Jill. The &uot;black&uot; names were Tamika, Ebony, Aisha, Rasheed, Kareem and Tyrone.