Feeding the hungry
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 30, 2002
Food Bank to hold drive for holiday season
By Sajit Abraham / Selma Times – Journal
They are on a mission to feed the hungry and are asking for everyone’s help.
The Selma Area Food Bank, which has been open since 1993, is holding a School Food Drive Nov. 4-29. They’re asking school students this holiday season to collect canned or boxed food items to assist the needy, said Buddy Wiltsie, executive director of the food bank.
The goal of the food bank, said Wiltsie, is to extend a helping hand to agencies that serve the needy.
Wiltsie said the food bank is asking any individuals, community civic clubs, businesses and local churches who would like to participate in this yearly event to contribute items to the food bank.
Wiltsie said agencies such as the Salvation Army, Cahaba Mental Health Center and churches in the area, collect items from the food bank and then hand them out to the public.
Wiltsie said that this year, the food bank will recognize the top three classrooms out of all schools in both the city and county school systems for participating in the food drive.