Election will include Alabama constitution vote amendment
Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 29, 2002
The general election on Nov. 5 will not only be a day of voting for political candidates, it will also be a day of voting for something else, something that may change the way the state is run in the future.
On Nov. 5, voters will get a chance to vote on three different proposed amendments to the Alabama constitution.
Constitutional experts David Perry, who is the field director for the Alabama Citizens for Constitutional Reform, and Dr. Bailey Thomson, who is an associate professor at the University of Alabama, said the amendments are a way to further reform Alabama’s constitution.
The first amendment says that any new constitution will not take effect until it is voted on by the people of Alabama.
The second amendment proposes to establish a General Fund Rainy Day Account within the Alabama Trust Fund.
Both Thomson and Perry said they knew less about the second amendment than the other amendments.
The third amendment proposes to provide a means by which members of the sheep and goat industry may levy a voluntary tax upon themselves.
Added Perry, &uot;This is probably the most ridiculous one of the three amendments, but it is something that members of the industry felt needed to be placed there. That’s why it’s been included.&uot;