Boxers charges upgraded to attempted murder

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, May 8, 2002

As if things couldn’t get any worse for a local amateur boxer – things did. Richard Woods, who was charged with assault first degree earlier this year for shooting local man, has now been indicted on an attempted murder charge.

Woods is accused of shooting William Calhoun on Jan. 1, striking his nose and grazing his cheekbone. According to testimony in a preliminary hearing held in March, Calhoun was sitting in his car when Woods drove beside him and fired one shot into his car. The bullet from Woods’ gun went through Calhoun’s nose, causing a permanent scar.

Judge Nathaniel Walker found probable cause in the preliminary hearing and set Woods’ bond at $15,000, telling him the charge should have been attempted murder because of the severity of the crime. Obviously, the District Attorney’s office felt the same way, and upgraded Woods’ charge to attempted murder.

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On May 1, a Dallas County grand jury indicted Woods on attempted murder. Now Woods could face a jury trial.

After the preliminary hearing in March, Woods was placed in the Dallas County Jail, but was soon released after a local bail bondsman took it on himself to make Woods’ bond, so he could compete in a national boxing championship in Las Vegas on April 1.

Woods lost the fight in Las Vegas, but says he has not given up his dream in boxing.

His attorney Michael Jackson claims Woods was not at the scene of the crime and that Calhoun had been taunting his client for weeks. Last year, a jury found Calhoun was not guilty of assaulting Woods and his brother with a baseball bat.

The District Attorney’s office has conferred with Jackson and has agreed to let Woods’ bond stand as it was in March. Woods is free on bond.