Latest Z - Newsletter Opinion

Z - Newsletter Opinion

An Open Letter to Three Soldiers

By Sean Dietrich To the three servicemen who died in a midair collision on Wednesday in Washington DC. ...


Those who fail to learn from history …

By R.A. Mathews Life had weathered him. In 1948, on the heels of WWII, Winston Churchill famously said, ...


Maze: We may never know why bad things happen

Wednesday night, I took some time to watch the No. 1 Auburn Tigers take on the LSU Tigers ...


Meet Me At The Cross: What is needed to be happy?

By Dean Kelly My wife and I have a favorite comic strip – Pickles (copyright by Andrews McMeel ...


MATHEWS: In times of lost hope — There is an answer

By R.A. Mathews It has been a very rough year. Many lost treasured belongings to devastating weather conditions, ...


Preachers Who Make Tents

Michael J. Brooks I met him while visiting our daughter’s church lately, and we had a brief conversation. ...


Thankfulness Next to Godliness?

By Van Sprague You have probably heard the saying, “Cleanliness is next to godliness.” However, you can’t find ...

Letters to the Editor

LETTER: County, city need to work together on litter

Dear Editor, “The best time to plant a tree was yesterday, the next best time is today.” I ...

Brent Maze

COLUMN: This is the final work of James Jones

In today’s edition of the Selma Times-Journal, you will find our Gridiron 2024 magazine. Normally, this magazine would ...


COLUMN: Mayor responds to budget revisions

By James Perkins Jr. As the Mayor of Selma, I am committed to transparency, ethics, and the well-being ...


COLUMN: Passed budget is unbalanced

By James Perkins Jr. The administration presented to the city council a proposed 24-25 fiscal year budget, July ...

Brent Maze

MAZE: Lunchroom workers show their love for students

Last week, the Dallas County School District was dealing with a lot of issues regarding its water supply. ...

Michael Brooks


He was a local business owner and a music director in a Baptist church. He asked to have ...


EDITORIAL: Schools in full swing in Dallas County

Selma high school was the last school to officially open its doors for the 2024-25 school year in ...


Opinion: Simmons and others pay it back to Selma, Dallas County

If there’s one thing about it, Selma trains up their collegiate and professional athletes the right way. Last ...

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