R.B. Hudson again claims win in Congressional App Challenge
Published 3:40 pm Thursday, December 19, 2019
On Thursday, U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell, D-AL, announced the winners of her 2019 Congressional App Challenge, all three of which hail from Selma’s R.B. Hudson STEAM Academy.
The annual challenge is open to middle and high school students across Alabama’s 7th Congressional District and is meant to encourage engagement in computer sciences and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) programs.
“Every year, I look forward to seeing what innovative new coding creations our applicants will submit, and this year was no disappointment,” Sewell said in a Thursday press release. “As a proud product of Selma City Schools, I am excited that for the second year in a row, our district winner is a Selma City student—it is a testament to the priority that the Selma system is putting on STEM. I especially want to recognize and thank seventh grade science teacher and Robotics Club leader, Ms. Sherry Jackson, whose guidance has been instrumental in encouraging our R.B. Hudson Middle School applicants. Jada Wells, Alexis Perry and Ashton Young have all created practical, well-designed apps, using technology to address tangible needs in their daily lives. This is technology and creativity at its best, and I hope that every contestant [is] inspired to continue to develop these practical skills, which will doubtless serve them in the years to come.”
Likewise, Selma City Schools Superintendent Dr. Avis Williams celebrated the students’ achievements.
“We are so excited and proud of the educational opportunities that Team Selma provides,” Williams said. “STEAM education is preparing our scholars for success throughout their school career and beyond.”
Wells took home first place honors in the competition with her app Bulldog Alert, which was designed to aid substitute teachers with emergency procedures.
As a result of her victory, Wells will be invited to the #HouseofCode Capitol Hill Reception in Washington, D.C.
Further, Wells’ app will be eligible to be displayed in the U.S. Capitol building and on the U.S. House of Representatives’ website.
In second place was Alexis Perry, whose Classroom 101 app was created to assist elementary school teachers with finding worksheets, books and websites for a variety of subjects.
This isn’t Perry’s first go-around with the app challenge – Perry took home the top spot in last year’s competition and attended the reception in Washington.
Ashton Young’s Selma Tours app, which was designed to help tourists navigate their way around the various historic Civil RightS Movement sites in Selma, finished in third place.