Woodmen make several donations Friday
Published 3:19 pm Friday, October 11, 2019
Woodmen Life makes donations to Selma institutions
Woodmen Life, Selma Chapter 3, held a Senior event at the Old Depot Museum Friday afternoon.
In exchange for a donation of a jar of peanut butter for the Selma Food Bank, attendees received a catered lunch and heard from Dallas County Sheriff Mike Granthum, Selma Food Bank Executive Director Jeff Harrison and Old Depot Museum Director Beth Spivey.
Woodmen Life also presented each of the aforementioned organizations with a donation,
The Dallas County Sheriff’s Office received three new American flags, one of which commemorates the first responders who lost their lives in September, 11 attack on the World Trade Center and one commemorating police officers.
Spivey received a $650 check for the routine maintenance and upkeep of the Old Depot Museum.
Harrison received a $200 donation for the Selma Food Bank from the Linden Chapter of Woodmen Life.
Granthum spoke first about the importance of the contributions from Woodmen Life.
“The Woodmen take care of us,” said Granthum. “They’re in contact with us all year long, asking us what we need.”
Granthum told the audience about Woodmen Life’s recent donation for Project Lifesaver tracking bracelets, which allow law enforcement to track down those with cognitive disorders who may have gotten lost.
Harrison echoed Granthum’s sentiment.
“The Woodmen are good to us,” said Harrison. “When they come around, we get excited.”
Harrison spoke about the food bank’s mission of collecting and distributing food to food pantries in rural areas and how important donations from the Woodmen are in achieving that mission.
Spivey then entertained the attendees with a tale of how she came to be the Old Depot Museum’s director and expressed how important donations are to keeping the museum running.
According to Spivey, the Museum receives to local or state funding, and runs solely off of grants and donations.
Finally, Woodmen Life Regional Director Mike Hutto spoke about the growth of the organization across the state and commended the chapters represented for their generous spirit.