Balloons released to honor victims
Published 3:44 pm Thursday, April 11, 2019
The Family Sunshine Center held a Balloon Release at SABRA Sanctuary to honor the victims of sexual assault on Thursday at noon.
April is sexual assault awareness month. Family Sunshine Center Sexual Assault Counselor Janice Jones-Simms believes that awareness is the key to preventing sexual assault.
“We need to make people aware this [sexual assault] is an issue,” said Jones-Simms. “We also need to make people aware that we’re [Family Sunshine Center] here. We hear you and we see you.”
Jones-Simms assists sexual assault victims from Dallas, Perry and Wilcox counties. She has an office at SABRA sanctuary. Jones-Simms says the services that Family Sunshine Center and SABRA sanctuary offer go hand-in-hand.
Family Sunshine Center offers counseling and prevention education services for victims of sexual assault while SABRA sanctuary provides shelter and counseling for victims of domestic violence.
Many members of the community attended the balloon release including Dallas County Sheriff Mike Granthum, Selma Police Department Detective Beauty Benjamin and Dallas County Circuit Clerk Lynnethia Robinson, who provided an inspirational song.
After Robinson finished her song, those in attendance had a moment of silence to think about the people who have been the victims of sexual assault.
After the moment of silence was up the balloons were released into the air to honor the victims of sexual assault.