More attractions – Boardwalk could add value to downtown

Published 9:15 pm Tuesday, December 4, 2018

On Monday night, the Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) held a public meeting to talk about the upcoming boardwalk project that could be started soon.

Things like a boardwalk would bring more value to the downtown area.

Places with waterfront property like Selma has is something that should be taken advantage of.

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Numerous people talk about how important the waterfront property is, and they’re not wrong.

Any city that has utilized water property has had success. From Scottsboro, Alabama, who has a BBQ restaurant on the lakeside that is successful.

Take Guntersville, Alabama for example, that is surrounded by a lake. They have constant water-based events that attract tourists from all over.

We have the same potential to make good things happen with the resources that we haven’t tapped into yet.

This boardwalk project could help bring more to the area, and more tourism means more income for the city that we desperately need.