Resources available – Unemployment rate should lower with utilized help

Published 7:33 pm Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The Alabama Department of Labor (ADOL) recently released their July unemployment numbers.

While the state has had a successful outcome overall, the numbers in Dallas County and Selma City continue to rise since a low rate earlier this summer.

There are resources available to help find a job.

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Tuesday, The Selma Times-Journal reported on a career seminar at the Selma Career Center.

Hope Academy helps those without the skills to enter the workforce get ready to be employable.

The jobs are here.

There is industry here.

That is not the problem.

Help is available to those who want it, but you have to first want to change.

As much help is available in Dallas County and Selma, the unemployment rate should not be this high.

Being one of the counties in the state with the highest unemployment rates, we should work harder to get this number down.

Make the change you want to see in the community.