Registration deadlines approaching for upcoming primary elections

Published 10:57 pm Friday, May 18, 2018

By Oniska Blevins
The Selma Times-Journal

Alabama voters will be heading to the polls soon for state primary elections. However, before voters can make their voices heard, they have to make sure they are registered to vote.

The deadline to register to vote for the primary election is May 21 and the last day to turn in a completed absentee ballot is May 31.

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Before registering to vote, there are certain qualifications that must be met. Each voter should be 18 years of age, a US citizen, must present state ID, and a valid street address in the county where they are registering to vote.

Dallas County Voter Registrar, Leigh Willis, said because the deadline for registration is quickly approaching, their office is busier.

“You have a lot more people registering, updating, and [those] types of things right before an election,” Willis said.

However, even after meeting the long list of qualifications, there are still some things that can keep a person from voting.

“Unless [voters] have a felony, a crime of moral turpitude or they are underage they are automatically made an active [voter],” Willis said.

However, Willis said if a prospective voter has been charged with a crime of moral turpitude, they may receive a letter from the parole board stating their voting rights have been restored.

The Alabama primary election is June 5 and the midterm general election is November 6.

Willis said, unlike during the midterm elections, during the primaries voters will either vote on a Democratic ballot or a Republican ballot.

The Democratic ballot will have candidates for governor, attorney general, state representative district 67, circuit clerk Dallas County, Dallas Judge of Probate, Dallas County Sheriff, Dallas County Coroner and State Democratic Executive Community District 67.

The Republican ballot will have candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court Place 1, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court place 4, Court of Civil Appeals Judge Place 1, Court of Criminal Appeals Judge place 1, Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Place 2, Court of Criminal Appeals Judge Place 3, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Auditor, Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries, Public Service Commission Place 1, Public Service Commission place 2.

To register to vote in Dallas County visit the Dallas County Voters Registration Office located at 105 Lauderdale St.

To register to vote online visit .