4-Hers show chickens at county fair
Published 6:18 pm Friday, October 20, 2017
- 4-H participants display their ribbons after the chicken chain show. From left are Colton Baggerly from Martin Middle School; Antonio Dixon, Keyshawn Dixon and Abby Wright from Dallas County High School; Noah Wright from J. E. Terry Elementary School; and Kamari and Jaqori Underwood from B.K. Craig Elementary School.
Buff Orpington, New Hampshire Red and White Plymouth Rock — what do these have in common?
They are all breeds that were shown at the Dallas County 4-H Chick Chain show, which took place as one of the last events of the Central Alabama Fair on Saturday, Oct. 7. The Chick Chain Project is an opportunity for youth in Dallas County to grow as an individual while participating in 4-H through agriculture.
The project is designed so the 4-Her raises 10 pullets for 20-22 weeks and then brings two of the best birds to the show and auction.
The 4-H Chick Chain project not only encourages youth to produce healthy chickens, participants also learn about business management. Journals of the project are created, which logs the project’s daily developments. This portion of the activity improves the youth’s record keeping skills.
Participants also learn how farmers contribute to their family’s home food supply. All 4-Hers participating realize the pride of accomplishment and created memories that will last for a lifetime.
This program was sponsored in part by Holley Farms True Value, the Central Alabama Fair and the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. For more information on and to learn how a child can participate in the 4-H Chick Chain Project and the Dallas County 4-H Club program, call (334) 875-3200 or visit www.aces.edu.