Autrey begins pharmacy school at AU
Published 10:40 pm Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Morgan Academy graduated Caitlin Autrey is pictured with Harrison School of Pharmacy Dean R. Lee Evans.
The Harrison School of Pharmacy’s Class of 2019 joined the Auburn University family last month.
Incoming student pharmacists, including Selma native Caitlin Elizabeth Autrey, were honored among friends and family at the 2015 White Coat Ceremony.
Caitlin, daughter of Davy and Jan Autrey, is a 2012 graduate of John T. Morgan Academy.
Prior to coming to Auburn, she received a bachelor of science degree in biology and chemistry in 2015 at Judson College.
The White Coat Ceremony, one of the most anticipated milestones in a pharmacist’s path, signified the end of the Foundations of Pharmacy orientation week and the beginning of the four-year journey of pharmacy school.
The presentation of their own white coats, used to recognize health care professionals throughout the world, represents the next crucial stage of their education in which they will actively engage with patients and other professionals.
At the Harrison School of Pharmacy, faculty members view student pharmacists as junior colleagues in the profession of pharmacy. Thus, the presentation of the white coat symbolizes their formal induction into the profession of pharmacy. While the students are still trainees, the event symbolizes their entry into the profession of pharmacy.
The Class of 2019 is made up of 148 students with 124 on the Auburn campus and 24 on the Mobile campus. The group brings a diverse background to HSOP as the class is made up of students from 13 different states and 34 different universities.