Thank you Selma for all the support, memories
Published 3:30 pm Saturday, August 8, 2015
It is with great pleasure that I chose not to write a farewell piece as a reporter for the Selma Times- Journal. Instead of rattling on my keyboard about how much I’m going to miss the Selmians I’ve written about and learned to adore, I’m going to just thank you, Selma.
When I say Selma, I just don’t mean stakeholders and city officials. I’m talking about the backbone of the Queen City: its residents. From the people who frequented the office to make sure their events were listed on Page 3 to those who thanked me for providing coverage for their events, I say thank you. It’s the persistence, patience and love from you that has sculpted me into the reporter I am.
It might be true all good things come to an end, but I don’t look at my journey in my native Selma as a stopping point, but the start of a beautiful beginning.
Don’t worry — especially those who have my contact information — I won’t be far from home. I will be an hour and a half away at the University of Alabama, where in I will be pursuing my Master’s in community journalism. I will take the great words of encouragement from those I served in the Queen City to tell the untold stories of other communities.
It’s interesting how I could live in this city my whole life, and not come across such fascinating people and stories. Selma might be a small city, but it’s filled with big news.
I might be leaving the city for a while, but I won’t leave behind the remarkable stories and people I met. I will carry the thoughts and words of those I’ve encountered while reporting, as I’ve done so before. I’d love to list all the great individuals I’ve encountered, but honestly, there’s not enough room on this page to hold those great names.
It’s easy for me to drop my pen, and end a day’s work, but it’s difficult for me to drop the relationships I’ve garnered here in my hometown. Once again, thank you Selma.