Convention donates to help Selma University with dorms
Published 9:30 pm Friday, June 19, 2015
A Baptist convention held at Selma University Thursday promoted Christian education and put money toward building a new men’s dormitory at the school.
New Life Baptist Church of Montgomery hosted the Alabama State Missionary Baptist Church Convention, which drew in about 150 of the convention’s women’s auxiliary members. President of the organization, Vernon Swift, said the convention was all about Selma University and helping to donate money to fund a new men’s dormitory on campus.
“We support Selma University,” he said. “We can do more together, than we can divided.”
This convention has about 300 churches pulling our resources together to support a school like Selma University.”
The women’s auxiliary meets once a year in June. Women from the Southwest, Southeast, Northwest and Northeast wings of the convention gather to enhance Christian education and train ministers.
The different branches of the auxiliary at this year’s convention donated over $20,000.
As a way to recognize the wing that donated the most money, the president of the winning branch was crowned queen of the convention. This year the winner was Veronica Salary of Peace Baptist Church in Birmingham. She said she was humbled by her wing’s accomplishment.
“I really don’t deserve this crown,” Salary said. “This crown belongs to the people who supported me and worked hard. I’m just here to accept it because I serve as president. The crown really belongs to the people.”
The queen and the Northwest wing she presides over donated about $14,000 to the building of the men’s dorm.
All of the money donated was not raised, but given from the wallets of auxiliary members.
“We didn’t raise the money,” Salary said.
“We gave it out of our pockets. It was the Lord’s money, and we gave it back to the Lord.”
Selma University’s Vice-President of fiscal affairs, Robin Thomas, said the college is grateful for the donations made by the convention.
“We’re very appreciative of the convention,” she said. “We’re affiliated with them, and it’s a piece of their legacy.”