Dove season opens Saturday

Published 11:32 pm Thursday, September 4, 2014

Dove hunting season begins Saturday in Dallas County, giving local hunters a reason to rejoice.

Hunting for the mourning and white-winged dove begins Saturday, which serves as the unofficial the start of the fall hunting season in Alabama.

“The Black Belt region of Alabama offers some of the best dove hunting anywhere,” said Pam Swanner, project manager of the Alabama Black Belt Adventures Association. “Whether your hunting takes you to public lands, farmland or one of the 19 lodges that offer dove hunting, the Black Belt has it.”

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Alabama’s dove season is one of the longest in the nation. For most of the state — including Dallas County — the season runs Sept. 6 through Nov. 9 and then Dec. 7 through Dec. 31. For 10 counties, in the southern part of the state, dove season starts and runs from Sept. 20 through Sept. 28, Oct. 11 through Oct. 26 and Nov. 12 through Jan. 15.

The Wildlife and Freshwater Division of the Alabama Department of Conservation and National Resources is sponsoring youth dove hunts throughout the state, beginning Saturday. Dallas County will be hosting one of the youth hunts on Sept. 6 and Sept. 13. The hunters must be less than 16 years old and must be accompanied by an adult at least 25 years old or a part with a state hunting license and a harvest information program stamp.

For more information on the youth hunts, go to For more information about hunting in Alabama, including seasons and bag limits, go to