There’s so much to be thankful for
Published 4:51 pm Saturday, November 17, 2012
By George Evans
First of all, my sincere thanks to everyone who worked so hard and gave so generously to make the 3rd Annual Mayor’s Charity Golf Classic held last month at the Valley Grande Golf Club such a success. We couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful October day or a greater outpouring of support from the community. All the golfers and volunteers had a wonderful time and it benefited a worthy cause.
All the proceeds from the Golf Classic go to agencies that serve Selma and Dallas County’s special needs children. This year, we were able once again to provide grants totaling almost $6,000 to six agencies — Cahaba Mental Health Center, Easter Seals West Central Alabama Rehabilitation Center, The Journey School, Selma Disabilities Advocacy Program, Dallas County Schools and Selma City Schools — and to host a luncheon and Fun Day for the children.
Since my days as an educator in Dallas County, special needs children have been dear to me. Watching them, their teachers, parents and caregivers having so much fun at the event was truly gratifying. Once again, I thank the sponsors, players, donors and volunteers for making it all possible. I’m looking forward to another successful tournament next year.
Secondly, I’d like to say a few words about two subjects that came up at last Tuesday’s city council meeting. I want to remind everyone that we began enforcing the trash ordinance on Nov. 1. Citizens are required to bags leaves for pickup and to separate tree limbs and yard waste from other trash. No leaves or other yard waste will be picked up unless it is bagged or properly handled. As we enter the leaf season, I ask your cooperation to help keep our streets and storm drains clear of debris.
I also want to remind citizens who are eligible for exemption from garbage fees that they must re-qualify to maintain their eligibility for 2013. The re-qualification period ends on Dec. 31.
If you haven’t already done so, please bring a current Social Security benefit letter to the Tax & License Department at city hall before the end of the year. If you have questions, please call them at 874-2112.
Lastly, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, let me say, that despite the challenges we face and our occasional differences, we in Selma have so much to be thankful for. We have a beautiful and historic city that should be a source of great pride. We are fortunate to live in the greatest democracy that the world has known.
I congratulate President Obama and all of our newly and re-elected public servants and look forward to working with them to build a better Selma, region, state and nation.
We should be thankful for the sacrifice of all the veterans who were honored this past Veterans Day and send our prayers out to the brave men and women who are serving at home and abroad to maintain our liberties.
In closing, I wish you and yours a happy Thanksgiving holiday. As you celebrate, surrounded by the love and support of family and friends, please remember to reach out to those in our community who are less fortunate.
I am proud and honored to serve as your mayor.