The campaign is over, plenty of work remains
Published 11:57 pm Saturday, September 1, 2012
By George Evans
Selma Mayor
I am grateful beyond measure to be re-elected as mayor of Selma and to be able to serve you for another four years. I am humbled by your support and confidence, and I am looking forward to working for and with you for the betterment of our great city.
So many people helped me on the road to victory that I couldn’t possibly name them all without leaving someone out. First and foremost, however, I want to thank God who makes all things possible. Next, I want to thank my wonderful wife, Jeannie, my children and family, my campaign managers and team, the dozens of volunteers in every ward who went above and beyond to get my message out and the voters all across this city that came out in large numbers to cast their ballots.
Over the past four years, I have kept city finances strong through the worst recession in 70 years. I have looked closely at city government operations and reformed them to realize greater efficiency and savings. I have worked to revitalize downtown and the riverfront for economic growth and civic pride and to benefit all of Selma through increased revenues from tourism and retail sales.
With the help of citizens, I secured passage of the $12 million bond for infrastructure improvements, buildings and stadium renovation and vehicle and equipment purchases and neighborhood improvements in every ward in the city. I formed partnerships with local, state and national officials to attract and retain business and investment to benefit our city, the county and the region and to create jobs, quality jobs, for the citizens of Selma.
I have worked relentlessly to keep our community safe by supporting the police and fire departments with new spending for improvements to police and fire stations, acquiring equipment, vehicles and technology and for hiring and training of new officers and firefighters. Neighborhoods have been cleaned up by focusing on litter control and code enforcement.
We are a safer, cleaner and financially stronger city than we were four years ago and poised for progress and growth. But there is still so much more that needs to be done.
This was a hard-fought and divisive campaign.
But that is all behind us now. I am the mayor of all the citizens, those who supported me and those who didn’t. For the next four years, I will work fervently for the greater good of all of Selma.
I will not rest until all of the challenges we face in terms of crime, unemployment, education, development and quality of life are addressed. But I can’t do it alone. I need each and every one of you to partner with me to create the beautiful, progressive and prosperous Selma that everyone wants for ourselves and for the future of our children. With your help and God’s blessing, we can do it.
I am honored to have served as your mayor for the past four years.
Thank you for choosing me to serve as your mayor for the next four.
Have an enjoyable and safe Labor Day.