Computer classes offered to help parents catch up

Published 1:02 am Friday, August 31, 2012

It is strange to think in a technology-driven world where every question can be ‘Googled’ and then answered within a matter of seconds, that some people have never even turned a computer on. Some do not even know how.

Public school systems, such as the Dallas County School System, rely heavily on technology, including email and web access to teach and administer homework, but Dorothy Irvin, parent facilitator for the system said many parents know nothing about computers.

“We were just trying to offer something to our parents that will benefit them,” Irvine said about a free program offered through the school system for parents to learn computer systems. “When we ask parents to be involved, they are reluctant because their skill set is low,” she added.

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The Dallas County School System Parental Involvement Program is offering free introductory computer classes to parents and guardians, because Irvine said this would increase parental involvement in the school system.

The program was started five years ago and Irvine said there have been success stories since, even parents that return every year to develop new skills.

“We have had parents who have come in and had never touched a computer before,” Irvine said. “But now they are just a wiz on computer. Some went and purchased a computer for their houses … we have had people get on the computer and then get jobs because most applications now are done online.”

These free classes will begin on Tuesday, Sept. 4 at the Dallas County Learn Resource Center on Water Avenue, which is across from Brantley Elementary. From 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. the class will be offered every Tuesday and another class will be held at Keith High School from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. each Tuesday. Irvine added that the classes are totally free, parents can work at their own pace, and no experience is necessary to attend.

Call 334-872-6251 to enroll in the free service.