Passing on a legacy to my children
Published 8:59 pm Monday, June 18, 2012
By Larry P. Stover,
Pastor, Praise Park Ministries Church of the Nazarene
Father’s Day evokes an immense diversity of emotions.
For some, it generates an outburst of hatred toward someone who was never there or not even known. It invokes anger in others whose recollections of dad were total neglect, rejection or even abuse. Far too many children are growing up without the presence of a strong father figure. Our nation is reeling from the effects of the disintegration of the family.
On the other hand, I am very blessed. My father and I had a great relationship.
During the 1960’s and 1970’s, while many other youth were in a state of total defiance, disrespect and alienation, my father and I were enjoying some of the best times of my formative years. Every week we found time to spend evenings fishing. We spent a lot of time talking and sharing stories of his younger days.
During my freshman year at Trevecca Nazarene College (now University), God called me into ministry. My father had been in pastoral ministry for about 15 years at that time. Our joint calling in life deepened the bond between us.
For the next 25 years, we enjoyed so much time together. He taught me to be the “book fanatic” that I am. Most importantly, he taught me to maintain my relationship with Jesus Christ. He shared with me valuable lessons from his experience as a husband, father and pastor. I am so blessed.
Eleven days prior to his 71st birthday, in 1995, dad went home to heaven. He left his wife and four married children a legacy that has shaped our lives across the years.
On this Father’s Day, I reflect on passing that legacy to the next generation. My children, Paula & Joshua, add great joy to my wife, Janet, and me. We have always got along well and enjoyed life together. We’ve been through athletics, academics, college, graduate school as well as expanding our family to a daughter-in-law and grandkids. My kids gave me a sign I have posted in my office that reads, “I smile because you’re my dad. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it!” In reality, laughter is a cornerstone of our family.
If you have had a tough time growing up without a positive father influence, be determined that you are going to do all you can to develop your skills into being a father your children will be proud of.
Thanks dad, for your legacy. In loving memory; Rev. Glen E. Stover, Sept. 28, 1924 — Sept. 17, 1995. Memories make my life, “Simply Beautiful.”