Big Brother could not be more right

Published 10:15 pm Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Vent all you want about big government, the infringement of civil liberties and an oppressive tax structure. You won’t get much of an argument from most folks.

But when it comes to laws requiring the use of seat belts, Big Brother is right and we should listen.

During a press conference Tuesday, Gov. Robert Bentley and law enforcement officials talked about the number of highway deaths in west Alabama and throughout the state. It was stunning and saddening all at the same time when it was said that a strong majority of those killed in highway accidents were not wearing their seat belts.

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How many of those lives could have been saved if they had simply taken the few seconds it takes to buckle up?

How many fathers would now be playing with their children? How many teenagers and 20-somethings would be preparing for graduation? How many young women would be putting the finishing touches on their dream wedding had they just worn their seat belt?

The answer to that question might never be known, but it is a proven fact that wearing seat belts does save lives.

Law enforcement officials could not have been more on target Tuesday when they said, “they live you save might just be your own.”