Tenor, tone, comments must be changed

Published 11:34 pm Monday, May 21, 2012

Last October — actually the final few days of October — were a days of complete uncertainty for the Selma City Schools.

At one school board meeting, the school board surprised everyone by placing then superintendent of education Dr. Donald Jefferson on leave. A few weeks later, a called hearing and board meeting saw board members terminate Jefferson’s contract, throwing the school system into a state of flux that many had never seen.

There was an interim superintendent in Gerald Shirely and a round of lawsuits and court proceedings surrounding Jefferson’s dismissal.

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After months of legal hula-hoops and testy board meetings, it appeared Thursday the board had put all of that “stuff” behind them. Then there was yet another comment.

After the board voted 3-1 to hire Shirley as the superintendent of education for the next 15 months, board president Henry Hicks Sr. said, just moments after voting against Shirley’s hiring, “there you go. You have your superintendent.”

It was an unfortunate comment and one we hope Hicks regrets. We hope he realizes, as board president, he helps set the tone of debate at school board meetings and helps guide the direction of our school system.

If each of our board members truly believe what they do is for our children’s best, then the tenor, tone and comments of our leaders must change.