Library readies for summer reading program
Published 6:32 pm Saturday, May 19, 2012
This year’s Selma-Dallas County Public Library summer reading program is designed to get kids excited about reading and bring children entertainment at the same time, director Becky Nichols said.
The library will kick-off the program, titled “Sensational Selma, Rainbow Summer,” on Monday, June 4 with a magic show at 10 a.m.
Nichols, a 33-year veteran of the program, said there is something for everyone this summer at the library.
“We want kids to have great library fun this summer,” Nichols said. “Library fun is getting bitten by that library bug where kids ask their mom if they can come back.”
The program will feature big events like a juggler, petting zoo, reptile show and a cow milking demonstration with Daisy the Milk Cow.
Tuesdays and Thursdays will center on arts and crafts projects like a model airplane demonstration and origami art. Special programming will include classes, such as basketball and dance.
“We combine fun big events with more small and quiet activities so that there is something for every type of child to engage in,” Nichols said.
Calendars of the scheduled events are available for pickup at the Selma Public Library or online at The program runs Monday through Friday from June until July 20.
“We want people to come and mingle before the programs start,” Nichols said. “That way families can browse and check out books to work towards their goal of 25 books. “
Groups of more than 10 that plan to attend should call the library to make a reservation.
Nichols said she truly believes that the Selma-Dallas County Library is a place where families can come together and the large children’s facility provides inspiration for children to explore and read.
“About 15 years ago, a little boy came in and saw the aquarium in the children’s book section,” Nichols said. “He pointed to the fish and said, ‘I didn’t know a fish could be yellow.’”
Nichols said that moment changed the child’s knowledge of the world and opened his imagination.
In the same way, the library hopes to inspire children to read this summer with both their facility and all of the programming provided.
For more information call the library at 874-1725.