It’s time for leaders to act like leaders

Published 9:44 pm Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It’s time for the state of Alabama, regardless of the political landscape, to put its money and its actions where its mouth is.

For far too long, local economic and governmental leaders have talked about the need of dredging the Alabama River, allowing the transportation of goods and materials from the Black Belt region to the Port of Mobile.

But all we have received from state — and even federal — lawmakers is lip service; lip service that is doing nothing to create jobs or industry in our little bend of the river.

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We have heard comments from Dallas County Probate Judge Kim Ballard that Gov. Robert Bentley has promised to “find the funding” to dredge the river. But, ask the governor’s office and you get a completely different answer — if you get one at all.

We are not asking for the river to be dredged so we can develop a river skiing season. We are not asking for the river to be dredged to improve our recreational fishing habit.

We are requesting — pleading — this project to be done annually so that we can create jobs, industry and improve the way of life for countless Black Belt residents.

This week, a new industry announced they were coming to town, even without the river being dredged. They would prefer to ship their product by barge, but will do so by truck for the time being.

It’s time state and federal leaders do exactly what is needed and lead.