Preparation is the key to survival

Published 7:32 pm Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The storms that ripped through Maplesville and other areas of Alabama Monday showed that tornadoes know no season.

These devastating storms are just as likely to hit in the dead of winter as they are in the spring, which is considered the peak season.

Because tornadoes can strike anywhere and anytime, it’s important for those who live in an area at a high risk — like Dallas County — to stay informed when inclement weather approaches.

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Emergency sirens have been placed throughout the county and have proven to be an effective took in warning those who work outside of danger.

However, these sirens are not designed as a warning system for everyone. One of the most effective tools for people who are indoors remains a weather radio.

These devices will give you an idea of when the storm could strike, where it has already been, and when conditions are safe once again.

In addition to the radio, it never hurts to stock up on emergency supplies like canned foods, bottled water and candles. It is equally important to establish a safe place for everyone in a structure to gather in the event of a tornado.

We can never predict exactly where and when a tornado will strike. However, we can prepare to the best of our abilities and choose the proper avenues to stay informed of what is happening. A little preparation could be the difference in life and death.