American people deserve answers
Published 12:20 am Sunday, October 16, 2011
Dear Mr. President,
First, congratulations on the taking out of Anwar al Awlaki, the American-born Al Qaeda terrorist leader in Yemen. Your use of the Drones has been effective, and the killing of key enemy leaders on your watch has been important. However, I still see the Afghanistan 10-year conflict as a no-win war, as we continue to spill our blood and spend billions.
My focus in this letter covers the Fast & Furious gun scandal whereby American military weapons wound up in Mexican gun cartel hands. The Justice Department agency, ATF (alcohol, tobacco and firearms), was very much involved in this program, and an American Border Agent, Brian Terry, was murdered by a cartel member, using an American weapon.
As we know, your Attorney General Eric Holder, head of the Justice Department, bears responsibility as do you, Mr. President, since it is on your desk where the buck stops. The idea that an estimated 1,500 American weapons wound up in the hands of the Mexican drug criminals is beyond belief. You and Holder owe it to our citizens for straight, honest answers.
Based on recent reports, Holder appears to be stonewalling vs. the true story about the firearms/Mexican cartel, and Holder should be dismissed by you.
The other issue that needs to be addressed is the Solyndra (solar panel) scandal which has cost the taxpayers over a half billion dollars in your guaranteed federal loans.
Documents recovered by the FBI after Solyndra closed its doors indicate that your Energy Department was aware of financial problems afflicting Solyndra, and there was even talk of increasing the federal loan from over 500 million dollars to almost a billion, even in the face of Solyndra’s tenuous financial future. A key administration staffer Steven Spinner and big-time supporter/ fundraiser George Kaiser, a Tulsa billionaire, pushed hard for the government financial support of the failing solar panel company. Per recent reports, Spinner’s wife’s law firm did work for Solyndra. You, Mr. President, should be much more vigilant when spending the taxpayers money.
Your record after over two and a half years in office indicates that exorbitant spending reflects your game plan, no matter the economic damage your policies have done to America. Again, if you want to create new jobs and cut energy costs, take advantage of our natural resources. I say again: Drill, Baby, Drill!!
Byrd Looper