Kaiser among April’s featured artists
Published 9:50 pm Saturday, March 26, 2011

Sister Judy Kaiser shows off one of her paintings recently. Kaiser is one of Selma Art Guild’s featured artists in April. -- Desiree Taylor
Colors in nature were the very things breathing spirit into Disney’s copper-skinned beauty Pocahontas, and for the entire month of April, the public can experience vivid nature artwork at the Selma Art Guild.
The art show titled, “Not Afraid of Color,” will feature local artists Sally Jordan and Sister Judy Kaiser.
Kaiser, who claims both Detroit and Pensacola, Fla. as her homes, moved to Selma 16 years ago and has always had a passion for art.
“As a youngster, I’ve always drawn, and I find it the most important to me,” Kaiser said. “When I came to Selma, I participated in different art workshops. I like to challenge myself with different mediums.”
Many may describe Kaiser’s work as “happy” and vivid. Kaiser enjoys using flowers as a usual subject.
“My colors are bold, bright and cheerful because that’s what speaks to me,” she said. “People can usually pick out my paintings from others.”
A special reception showcasing both Jordan and Kaiser’s paintings is scheduled for April 3 from 2 p.m. until 4 p.m. at the Selma Art Guild.
With no formal art training, Kaiser said she likes to experiment with her work.
“I will use pastels, watercolor, charcoal and acrylics,” Kaiser said. “I will go to the Art Guild to have my work critiqued and get suggestions.”
Kaiser, who helps with education programs for children and adults at the Edmundite Mission, a Catholic social outreach program, is youthful and vibrant in personality, which shows in her work.
Kaiser encourages anyone who loves art, to keep at it.
“Keep practicing and stick with it,” Kaiser said. “If art is something you really like, just go for it. Don’t give up.”
Call 874-9017 for more information on April’s showcase and featured artists.