Group helps fund Walk For Life
Published 10:59 pm Monday, March 21, 2011

Jennifer Dobbs (far left), director for Sav-A-Life pregnancy crisis center, received a check for $1,000 from the Knights of Columbus Catholic-based fraternal service organization, Monday morning to help pregnant mothers in crisis to find free positive solutions. Also pictured are (from left) grand knight Corey Bowie, Bro. SSE Peter Stanfield, John Kinnerson, James Ford and George Webb. -- Desiree Taylor
The Selma-Dallas County Sav-A-Life Inc., crisis pregnancy center, got a visit from some “knights in shining armor” Monday morning.
The Knights of Columbus service organization presented the nonprofit care-giving ministry for pregnant mothers in crisis, with a monetary donation of $1,000 to help in its free and confidential services to the public.
Located at 218 Union St., the Christian-based center offers community services and positive solutions and alternatives such as medical referrals, material support and bible studies to pregnant mothers in need. The organization is funded through fundraisers and individual and church donations.
Jennifer Dobbs, director for the center, said the center’s goal is to educate mothers on their options.
“We offer free pregnancy testing,” Dobbs said. “We want mothers to make an educated decision and understand what the options are. The most selfless thing a mother can give is life to her child.”
Sav-A-Life sponsors a two-mile “Walk For Life” once a year beginning from the First Baptist Church parking lot, circling the center and then ending at First Baptist. This year’s walk, sponsored by the Knights of Columbus, is set for April 9 at 10 a.m.
With more than $9,000 raised during last year’s walk, Dobbs said the event is the center’s biggest fundraising effort.
“It continues to grow and build,” Dobbs said.
Knights of Columbus grand knight Corey Bowie said Monday’s donation is an asset to young women.
“By us giving a donation, this helps women who are contemplating abortion to not do so,” Bowie said. “Each year, we provide a donation to help the walk-a-thon.”
Registration for the walk, which is free to public, begins at 9 a.m. with the walk following at 10 a.m. Walkers can set goals for $250, $350, $500 or $1,000. For more information about the event or sponsorship, call 875-8900.
The Knights of Columbus, founded in 1881 in New Haven, Conn., is a Catholic family and fraternal service organization founded on the principle “all church, community, council, family, pro-life and youth activities.”