Growing influence of gangs cannot be tolerated in community

Published 8:38 pm Wednesday, January 26, 2011

One of the underlying causes for the increased violence in Selma could very well be gangs.

Their markings are on buildings and signs in various areas of town. They are known by names: St. Phillip Street Boys, GWC Homes Boys and the Brick Yard Boys. But these names have crept up in court hearings and court documents. They are not in the common language used everyday among our police.In its hard look at violence in Selma, our Selma Police Department and other city leaders would do well to work with the Fourth Judicial Circuit District Attorney Michael Jackson’s Gang Task Force to determine the severity of the issue and ways to combat it. For a couple of years, Jackson has very publicly warned Dallas Countians, Selmians included, of the growing influence of gangs in our streets.

This is not an issue of the size in Chicago or Los Angeles. By comparison, the gang issue is small here. But Selma is much smaller than these metropolises, so the effects here in Selma are felt much harder.

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The people of a community should not have to live in fear of their houses being shot up or being mowed down by a stray bullet from a shootout between two rival gangs.

Life is too precious. Our community is too precious.