Assistant DA named state’s best in child support

Published 4:56 am Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Like most attorneys, Cartledge Weeden “Carty” Blackwell Jr. loves to talk.

He also loves his work. The recent awarding of the Gordon F. Bailey Attorney of the Year plaque to Blackwell demonstrates that devotion to the practice of law.

“I was real tickled. If you’re involved with anything with Gordon Bailey’s name on it, it a real honor,” he said.

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Blackwell, however, is modest and will roll off a list of people he works with as assistant district attorney for child support. The men and women of the Department of Human Resources are the heroes, according to this attorney.

“It’s rewarding to me,” Blackwell said, “Like any other it involves large numbers of people.”

But here’s what his co-workers and those who nominated him for this honor awarded by the Alabama Child Support Association, an organization of the Alabama District Attorneys Association.

“He always has a pleasant attitude and kind words to say not only to child support staff and together community partners, but especially to custodial and non-custodial parents. He strives to successfully balance being fair to all and collecting money for families. His caring attitude radiates to others even when they feel they are in an adversarial situation.”

Among his many accolades from co-workers and other attorneys, Blackwell has helped in a practical way advance the function of the child support office by instituting a pay docket, which was featured in a national newsletter.

Blackwell has been assistant district attorney for child support since 1992. He continues to maintain his private practice.

“He beat out all the other assistant district attorneys across the state,” said Fourth Judicial District Attorney Michael Jackson. “That’s a feather in his cap and in our office, too.”