Give to United Way
Published 9:36 pm Saturday, October 16, 2010
Dear editor,
Our mission is in working with our 15 agency partners to improve the lives of the people of this community. We do this through communication, collaboration and cooperation.
Many have lost their jobs and many others are working part time and are called underemployed. At your United Way we have worked with our partner agencies to help in many ways, the Selma Area Food Bank is distributing approximately 1.5 million pounds of food per year to area food pantries and the Bosco Nutrition Center is open every day preparing lunch for the hungry. By leveraging our relationships and your generous donations we can and are improving the lives of the people of this area.
The YMCA, Boy Scouts, Girls Scouts are still providing our young people recreation and adventure. Our library is literally a crown jewel of our community, where we help to purchase new books. The HealthLink program is providing over 1.5 million dollars worth of free to low cost prescription drugs to our neighbors. And the Doc In A Bus program just celebrated the second year of operation.
None of these great programs and agencies exists in a vacuum, we all respond to your input and needs. We exist to help you.
United way has invested your donations over the years to make sure that services like the food bank would be there when we need them. Kids could go the YMCA and find out that there is honor and integrity in the world. These things are only here because of you.
I know times are hard but for one minute imagine, that you have lost your job, and your family is hungry, you’re sick, and need a doctor. Ask yourself what would you do? At United Way we ask those questions everyday and work to find real and lasting answers. The reality is that we have more problems than answers at this point in time, but we will not stop working. United Way needs your continuing help, not only in dollars but in time and talent. Give, Advocate, Volunteer
Jeff Cothran
Executive Director, United Way of Selma and Dallas County