Black Belt abandoned by candidates
Published 10:28 pm Tuesday, October 12, 2010
If you were sitting around the other evening and saw your first television commercial for one of the two gubernatorial candidates seeking the office of Alabama’s next governor, don’t feel alone if you thought, “Who was that? What are they running for?”
Most of the state is feeling the same way.
In one of the most low-key and, as far as Alabama’s Black Belt is concerned, absent gubernatorial races in recent memory, the two candidates — Dr. Robert Bentley and Ron Sparks — have done little if anything to say much of anything.
In fact, the two have said so little, one of the only items making news from the campaigns in recent weeks is that Dr. Bentley, officially changed his name to … wait for it … Dr. Robert Bentley.
This is not the first time we have said it, but Alabama’s Black Belt, specifically Selma, the area’s largest city, has apparently been removed as a possible campaign stop for either candidate, thus leaving our voters, our area and our issues completely unheard.
With an area that has voted heavily Democratic in recent elections, maybe Sparks is simply considering the area “in the bag.” In contrast, Bentley — we’re sorry, Dr. Robert Bentley — has probably written our area off because of our historical voting trends.
With that said, unlike presidential elections where the Electoral College is in play, every vote counts in Alabama.
Does anyone remember how close the 2002 election between Bob Riley and Don Siegelman was? There were a few votes in Baldwin County that ultimately made the decision.
Does either candidate want to sit back and just assume any vote is in their pocket before Nov. 2? If they do, they may be the one offering up a concession speech that night.