Think before jumping to raise taxes

Published 5:00 pm Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Selma City School Board, or a majority, soon will decide officially to ask the Dallas County Commission to allow a vote Nov. 2 on a 3-mill tax levy to help pay for construction of the Selma High School.

Regardless of the levy, the school will be constructed, according to discussion at a school board work session Tuesday night.

The 3 mills (a mill is $100 for every $1,000 of value) would generate a little less than $400,000 for the school system.

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Certainly, building a new high school and having a good, sturdy place for students to attend classes is important. Studies have long shown children and adults learn better in attractive and safe settings.

The availability of this 3 mills is on the books. The Alabama Constitution allows for voters to approve or reject the millage levy.

The Selma Times-Journal is already on record as supporting the construction of a new high school. Our children need it.

As to the proposed tax increase, governmental bodies need to study long and hard before they jump into something that will raise property taxes. The public needs to know how its tax dollars are being spent, and the alternatives to raising taxes before a governmental body makes such a jump.

The school board should take action to educate, then make the request.