Help celebrate Social Security

Published 11:47 pm Tuesday, July 27, 2010

When Social Security originated 75 years ago, many didn’t think the program would last.

But it did. People in the United States have become used to the program. Now, it’s hard to think about elderly living without it. So go public programs.

In honor of that 75 years, the commissioner of Social Security, Michael J. Astrue, has asked people around the country, current and former employees, to help the agency celebrate its anniversary by sharing how Social Security has touched their lives.

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If you want to share your story, you can go to and click on the box that says “Social Security Celebrates 75 Years of Public Service.”

Some of the things, the agency asks those to share: How it felt to receive the first retirement check? How has the Social Security disability program helped you?

The actual birthday for the social program is Aug. 14.

Oh, and if you’re good with the video. Social Security will launch a video contest of “How Social Security Has Made a Difference in My Life.” Videos submitted to the agency will be posted on its YouTube channel. The winning video will be posted at

Who could imagine 75 years old?