Littering an issue for Selma
Published 12:06 am Wednesday, July 14, 2010
One of the biggest problems we have in Selma is our litter.
Beer cans, paper bags from fast-food chains and junk — pure junk — lace our ditches and the edges of our yards. It’s nasty looking.
Here’s what’s worse.
Folks won’t pick up the litter from the edges of their yards. Someone asks them why, and they reply, “I didn’t put it there.”
What idiocy!
So what if it’s somebody else’s litter?
Facts are we feel better if we look better.
It does not hurt to bend over and pick up some litter and toss it in a nearby container.
This is our hometown. This is our house. We wouldn’t serve someone dinner with cans and wrappers all over our kitchen or dining room floor.
Why would we invite guests here to stay with us when we don’t pick up after ourselves?
For all the churches here in Selma, we’ve apparently forgotten one adage: “Cleanliness is next to godliness.”