Be careful in crowds this week
Published 2:49 pm Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Here in Alabama, it seems the swine flu or H1N1 virus has come and gone. We don’t want to appear as alarmists, but health experts have told us this virus comes in waves.
The holidays seem like a good time for the second wave to begin, say officials with the Centers for Disease Control.
Here’s why.
People will travel. That means the bug in one region of the country could be transferred to another region of the country through travel. Some people travel by plane or train, meaning many people in a compartment.
In addition, more people are out and about during the holidays, beginning to shop or catching that last -minute shopping. Many people in one area spread germs.
So even in this joyful holiday season, it’s best to remember the safest approach to preventing illness is to practice basic common sense guidelines.
Keep your hands away from your nose and mouth. That’s where germs spread.
If you have to sneeze or cough in public do so in the crook of your elbow. Don’t cover your mouth and nose with your hands. You’ll spread the germs.
Be careful. Wash your hands frequently. Carry some germ-resistant gel or wipes with you and wipe your hands, especially after being in a public place.