Local responders attend Weapons of Mass Destruction training

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, August 8, 2007

the selma times-journal

Local emergency responders recently attended a Weapons of Mass Destruction training course in Anniston.

Members of the Dallas County Emergency Management Agency (EMA), Tory Neely, Glenys Dukes and Jeffrey Callens, received training at the Center of Domestic Preparedness (CDP).

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When disaster strikes, there is little to no time for guesswork.

The CDP is operated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Emergency Management Agency and is the only federally-chartered Weapons of Mass Destruction training facility in the country.

Dukes said she was able to meet first responders from different states who responded during Sept.11, the Oklahoma City Bombing and Hurricane Katrina.

The CDP is also a member of the National Domestic Preparedness Consortium, in partnership with Louisiana State University, the Nevada Test Site, New Mexico Tech and Texas A&M.

Callens said the experience was an eye opener for him.

Responders attending CDP training are especially selected from the nation’s 11 million emergency responders. Training at the CDP ensures that responders gain critical skills and confidence to be better prepared to effectively respond to local incidents or potential Weapons of Mass Destruction incidents.