Knights to remember

Published 12:00 am Saturday, December 25, 2004

In time-honored tradition the annual Grand Ball of the Knights of Revelry highlighted Selma’s holiday social calendar on Friday evening, December 17. Decorated for the Yule season with a tree of white poinsettias, garlands of evergreen, red velvet and gold, the Selma Country Club was the setting for the festive affair, which opened with the traditional Grand March at 9 p.m., after a series of private pre-Ball parties.

Guests were commanded by his Excellency King B-Ski LXXIII to be present for the gala affair, and on that festive evening several hundred Black Belt residents waited eagerly for the sound of trumpets announcing the entrance of the royal court.

Led by charter members, Knights of the venerable organization entered, dressed in formal attire, with colorful ribbons of rank slashed across their starched fronts – red worn by the king, gold by the crown prince and green by the exchequer. Circling the dance floor, the Knights made their way around the ballroom, greeting friends and hailing the officers and their ladies with rhythmic tap-tap-tap of their canes, in syncopated timing to the musical beat of the orchestra.

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Announced by Knight Herald Bill Gamble (accompanied by his Lady Bunny), and escorted by the Royal seneschal, the new monarch, King B-Ski Ken Morrison and his Queen Martha mounted the gold quilted throne. Also taking their places in the royal court were Crown Prince Alston Keith and his Lady Susan and Exchequer Joe Williams and his Lady Elaine.

Upon orders from the reigning monarch, Dr. Park Chittom Jr. and his Lady Valerie and Steve Frazer and his Lady Candace were escorted to the royal throne, where the men knelt before the King to be knighted.

Then, in response to a royal command from the King, who read a humorous and original proclamation, an evening of merriment began.

The Knights of Revelry, which was chartered during the Great Depression to lift the spirits of Selmians in that dark year, celebrates its founding each year. And so it continues in the Yuletide spirit of good will to all.

Happy holidays to all!