Council may boost mayoral powers

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, October 5, 2004

Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure were put through their paces, as an attempt to suspend the regular rules and vote outright on a city ordinance was made at the City Council meeting.

Selma’s City Council gave an ordinance to give Mayor James Perkins Jr. appointment powers First Reading status at last night’s special called meeting.

The ordinance, city ordinance 0123-03/04, gives the mayor the power to appoint a number of city department heads, including chief of police, fire chief, battalion chiefs the code enforcement officer and others.

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The City Council, which currently holds appointment powers, would retain the ability to appoint the city clerk, city treasurer, and judges of the municipal court. All other offices would be filled at the mayor’s convenience.

The ordinance says the department heads shall hold office from month to month.

Councilman Sam Randolph moved as soon as the ordinance was introduced to place it on First Read status. The Council made no discussion of the document.

Newly sworn in Councilman Johnnie Leashore made a motion to suspend the rules, and vote on the ordinance outright.

Another freshman council member, Geraldine Allen, seconded Leashore’s motion.

Freshman Councilman Cecil Williamson said he wouldn’t vote to suspend the rules, because he hadn’t been given notice.

“I had no problem with putting it on a first reading,” Williamson said after the meeting. “But, no one indicated there would be a suspension of the rules.”

Council President George Evans told the council after Williamson’s objection that the motion to suspend the rules wouldn’t pass without a unanimous decision.

“If there’s one individual who chooses not to suspend the rule then it’s dead right there,” Evans said.

Leashore then asked Evans for permission to withdraw his motion. Evans said he couldn’t, unless the second to the motion was withdrawn first. Allen immediately withdrew her second, Leashore followed suit and a motion to enter the ordinance into a first reading passed unanimously.

In other business, Evans made appointments to various City Council Committees. Appointments made were:

Geraldine Allen was appointed chairperson of the Administrative Committee. Serving with her will be Jean Martin and Cecil Williamson.

Samuel Randolph was appointed chairperson of the Recreation Committee. Williamson and Leashore will serve with him.

Reid Cain was appointed chairman of the Public Safety Committee. Janie Venter and Bennie Ruth Crenshaw will serve with him.

Jean Martin was appointed as chairperson to the Community Development Committee. Allen and Cain were both appointed as well.

The Public works and General Services Committee will be headed by Leashore. Venter and Randolph will also be on the committee.

The Discretionary Committee will be headed by


A newly created committee, the Finance Committee, will be headed by Crenshaw as well. Cain and George Evans will be serving as well. The committee must be approved by the City Council at a later date.