Business could be big in Selma

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 28, 2004

If business isn’t booming in the Selma area, it isn’t for lack of trying.

Two local business, already partially established, have moved into new areas of the city and trying to make it.

Southern Hub and Poo’s Heirloom have both recently moved into larger locations in Selma.

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Both of them have been a part of the city’s business community for a while.

And both of them are hoping customers pay more attention to their attempts at growth.

The business community in Selma tries hard. Everyday, local businesses attempt to expand, entice more customers and just generally work hard to get better.

And every day, some Selma residents ignore them.

As bad as it seems, some people would rather drive 45 miles to Prattville or Montgomery to get items and goods they can get here.

Which is a shame really.

A lot of people don’t know you can get quality merchandise in Selma at least as cheap as anywhere in Alabama.

Why? Would it be too much trouble to give the Selma Mall a chance before hitting Prattville? It’s on the way.

Business in Selma needs our help if we’re ever going to have the thriving community we all want and deserve.

Every dollar poured into the retail shops or the restaurants or hardware stores in Selma means that somebody has a job. With an unemployment rate in the double digits, every one of those jobs means a lot.

Buying in Selma is civic duty that we all need to engage in more often.