Martin a boon to Ward 3

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 29, 2004

To the editor:

Larry and I would like to express our sincere appreciation to Jean Martin for her invaluable assistance in relocating the Board of Pardons and Paroles. As you well remember, this office was to have been located on Lauderdale Street behind Gwen Mackenzie’s home. Many residents in the historic district discussed this situation and knew that this would not be in the best interest of our neighborhood or of those needing the services at Pardons and Paroles. We knew that having four schools in this immediate neighborhood that many students would be walking in the district. We also thought that people going to the office needed privacy as well.

She helped us talk through this situation, exploring various options. Eventually, it was decided that the office would be willing to relocate to Broad Street. The state had already spent money making the Lauderdale office ready for them. Jean and Mayor Perkins spent money from their discretionary funds to pay to the State of Alabama so the office could move to Broad Street. The newly formed Black Belt Foundation agreed to move into the site on Lauderdale Street.

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This is but one situation in which local citizens, city and state politicians, a state office and a private real estate company persevered and arrived at a solution which was better for all parties involved.

I would like for voters in Ward 3 to be aware of Jean’s service to us regarding this matter.

Edie Jones