Selma Police investigate sexual abuse

Published 12:00 am Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Special to The Times-Journal

Selma police officials are investigating an alleged sexual abuse case, after receiving a complaint on Tuesday.

“Selma police officers responded to a complaint of an injured 7-year-old child,” SPD Chief Robert Green said. “The child resides in the Selmont Community.”

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According to the chief, the nature of the injuries and the statement made to police caused the officers to suspect sexual abuse.

CARE Ambulance Service took the child to Vaughan Regional hospital for treatment.

A Selma police youth aid division investigator responded to the hospital and is following up on the investigation.

Green said a relative has been identified as the suspect and an arrest can be expected in the near future.

Green added that the suspect’s information will be held until the time of the arrest.

“Due to the age of the victim and the nature of the investigation, no further details will be released at this time,” Green said.