Comb Chorus Concert set for Sunday

Published 12:00 am Tuesday, November 4, 2003

Express yourself.

While that’s not the official motto of the upcoming Selma Comb Chorus Concert, they could do worse.

The concert begins at 2 p.m. Sunday on the lawn of the Selma-Dallas County Public Library. It’s scheduled to last about an hour or so, but it’s really an &uot;until&uot; sort of affair. They’ll keep playing as long as their lips hold out or as long as there’s anyone left to keep calling out requests.

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For the uninitiated, the comb chorus is a loosely knit group of folks who gather a couple of times a year to make music, have fun and laugh &045; in no particular order. Their instrument of choice is the humble comb.

If you’re older than 50 years of age, you might actually have whiled away a few childhood days mastering your comb technique. If you’re younger than 30, you’re probably wondering what on earth these people are talking about.

In theory, producing music on the comb is relatively simple: You hold the comb and a piece of tissue paper up to your mouth and blow. But as with most things in life, there is a trick to mastering the comb.

Those with a great sense of self-importance seem to have the most difficulty. Those who are able to laugh at themselves seem to fare much better.

Says Windham, &uot;Everybody can play the comb, everybody’s equally talented. We’ll even provide the combs and the tissue paper, so you don’t have any excuse not to come.&uot;

And if your technique is a little rusty, they’ll also provide free instruction.

Adds Windham, &uot;We don’t require anything of you except that we all start together and, hopefully, we will all end together.&uot;

Gordon Welch, director of music at First Baptist Church, will once again do the honors as chorus director.

Of course, making music is not the only reason the comb chorus came into existence. There is a message hidden inside the music and the laughter, a message Windham believes we all need to hear.